Our Donation Policies and Request Guidelines
Donation Policies:
Donations will be considered for school groups actively earning funds.
Donations will not be considered for items that the school district is responsible for.
There is a set dollar figure for individuals going on educational trips. Two items that will be considered is the length of the trip and instate vs. out-of-state. The three figures suggested $100.00, $200.00, & $500.00.
Each year the graduating senior class will be given $500.00 if the class as a whole works three community events. Example, cemetery cleaning in the spring, etc.
Individual requests will be considered at our monthly meetings.
Guidelines for requesting donations:
Some of the guidelines that the Tok Lions club considers when deciding to fund a request are:
What is the program or activity?
What is the individual or groups goal?
What is the amount being requested and are there any deadlines?
What is the person or group doing to raise money?
What could the person/group do in return for our community?Please write your request in letter-form to the Tok Lions Club two weeks before our meeting; if you need assistance or have questions feel free to contact any Lion member. Any of our members will be happy to assist you in your preparation and inform you as to when the next Lions meeting will take place so that you can make a personal presentation to the members.
The Tok Lions Club does not donate to travel and accommodation expenses when they do not meet what we consider to be educational. We wish we could fund all requests received, but we must be selective with our donations. Consequently, the education of our youth is our highest priority.